Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The ADVENTURE is Over!!! We're #6!

The Capture California game has finally ended. Four months of going on adventures, seeing the beautiful state, and expanding our horizons in nature. It's a relief that it's over, but I am so grateful for having a summer full of adventures.

We placed 6th, with about 55 teams participating from all over the state of California. Officially our team (The Lion and The Crab) had 1,333 points total. That is truly amazing when the majority points were obtained 5 points at a time.

A HUGE THANK YOU to all my friends and family who helped us get points, even just by giving us a place to crash during our travels. I'm going to try to name you'all, but I apologize in advance since I'm sure I've forgotten someone:

Sandy King - teammate and partner in crime
Brendan - my soul companion and photographer
Tavia Sabouti and Jose
Elizabeth Boretz
Crystal Miller and Scout
Joy Widmark and Moximo
Sarah Bucher and Lane
Sydney Loewen
Jessica Hawthorne-Castro and Jimmy Castro
Vicki Taverna and Trish
Amy Newsam and the Van Bebber family
Sarah Anderson
Honey-Bee the backpacker
All the state and national Park Rangers
And all the kind strangers that let us borrow their dog or bike, or took photos of us.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

ADV #8, Go for a Hike (x6)

More Kings Canyon National Park hikes: 1) Zumwalt Meadows, 2) Copper Creek trail, 3) Woods Creek trail, 4) Hotel Creek trail, 5) Manzanita trail, 6) South Boundary trail.

Capture California, The Lion and The Crab Team

ADV #8, Go for a Hike (x8)

Hikes in Kings Canyon National Park and Sequoia National Forest: 1) North Grove trail, 2) Grant Tree trail, 3) North Boundary trail, 4) Cherry Gap trail, 5) Yucca Point trail, 6) Deer Cove trail, 7) Lewis Creek trail, and 8) Don Cecil trail.

Capture California, The Lion and The Crab Team

ADV #8, Go for a Hike (x4)

Hikes in Santa Teresa County Park: Connector Trail, Mine Trail, Joice Trail.
Hike in Ed Levin County Park: Spring Valley Trail

Capture California, The Lion and The Crab Team

ADV #8, Go for a Hike (x5)

Hikes in Mt. Madonna County Park (Santa Clara County): Meadow Trail, Redwood Trail, Sprig Lake Trail, Rock Springs Trail, and Blue Springs Trail.

Capture California, The Lion and The Crab Team

ADV #90, Nature's Friend

Here is Sandy planting a local native plant in her backyard.

Capture California, The Lion and The Crab Team

ADV #81, Visit a Waterfall (8)

Waterfalls are also found in front and back yards of Californian homeowners. :-)

Capture California, The Lion and The Crab Team

ADV #81, Visit a Waterfall (6-7)

Grizzly Falls and Roaring River Falls in Kings Canyon National Park.

Capture California, The Lion and The Crab Team

ADV #66, Fly a Kite

This photo reminds me of the ultimate California Central Valley suburban picture.

Capture California, The Lion and The Crab Team

ADV #35, Participate in a Coastal Clean Up

September 17th was California Coastal Clean Up Day. This was a great way for the kids to experience being part of something bigger, knowing that people all over the state were doing the same.

Capture California, The Lion and The Crab Team

ADV #32, Bike with a Buddy

I (the buddy) had to take the photo (no kids were in sight to be our photographer)!

Capture California, The Lion and The Crab Team

ADV #111, Bernal-Gulnac-Joice Ranch

We loved getting to know the Santa Teresa County Park historic area. There was a Boy Scout troop visiting at the same time, so we got to feed the chickens and also check out the bunnies that were being raised for 4F.

Capture California, The Lion and The Crab Team

ADV #109, Mt. Madonna

We went to the Mt. Madonna Stables. Didn't get a chance to go horse-back riding, but got to know the Santa Cruz mountain area better... beautiful!

Capture California, The Lion and The Crab Team

ADV #108, Laguna Cemetery

We found the gate to the cemetery in the Ed Levin County Park.

Capture California, The Lion and The Crab Team

ADV #106, Dog Walking

Sandy walking the dog with her friend!

Capture California, The Lion and The Crab Team

ADV #101, Water Park

We are lucky to live near Fresno, because it has everything, including lots of water slides and a wave pool!

Capture California, The Lion and The Crab Team

ADV #8, Go for a Hike (x4)

More hikes in San Francisco: Mountain Lake Trail, Inspiration Point Trail, Ecology Trail, Coastal Trail.

Capture California, The Lion and The Crab Team

ADV #8, Go for a Hike (x5)

Hikes in the Presidio in San Francisco: Bay Area Ridge Trail, Battery East Trail, Park Trail, Presidio Coastal Trail, Anza Trail.

Capture California, The Lion and The Crab Team

Saturday, September 17, 2011

ADV #15, 4 Types of Volcanoes in North America

Artistic credit goes to my son, but he is camera shy. He drew and labeled all four kinds of volcanoes that can be found in North America, which we learned on our trip to Lassen Volcanic National Park. 1) shield, 2) composite, 3) dome, and 4) cinder cone.

Capture California, The Lion and The Crab Team

ADV #76, Forestiere Underground

We went to the Underground Forest in Fresno. I thought it was going to be like a botanical gardens, but instead, it was an eccentric man dug his home in the ground to get away from the summer heat (who can blame him) around the 1920's and wanted to make it a resort. Very interesting - an historical place.

Capture California, The Lion and The Crab Team